Helping the Poor
We believe and desire helping the poor in every nation. The word of God says in Proverbs 19:17 "Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed." We know that by helping the poor not only will God bless this ministry, but this ministry can be a blessing to others. There are many men, women, children that go without food everyday. Many of them wear the same clothes for months if not years with very little money to buy new clothes. Many children have to walk bare foot on the hard ground because their parents or orphanages lack the finances. We know that by giving to the needy it not only supplies them with the items they need, but most importantly it is a way to show the unconditional love of Jesus Christ in their life. If one child, man, or woman could be touched by the compassion and generosity of a Christian that would ultimately lead them to receive Jesus then every penny spent is worth that one soul.
About Awaken Love for Africa
Since 2007 we have been raising money and sponsorship to see lives changed and to bring hope to those less fortunate than ourselves. Our main project since 2009 has been working with The Gideon Orphanage where there are 200 orphaned children. We also help JSF, the street boys and the widows to not only help them meet their daily needs but also to help them become self sufficient.
Awaken Love’s aim is to help meet the basic needs of children and also to get them into school and to help the widows become self sufficient by establishing them in small businesses. We hope that by doing this, it will positively effect their community and make living somewhat easier for them.
Awaken Love has been working with an organisation in Kenya called The Gideon Orphanage. When we arrived at this rural orphanage it was a bush. The buildings were made of mud and collapsing. Over the years Awaken Love, friends and partners of the Gideons have helped to improve the living conditions at the Gideon’s and also to provide secondary education and to help them become self sufficient.
The Gideons Orphanage
In the year of 2011 Joshua Kelly had the great privilege to go to Kenya, Africa to visit the Gideons Orphanage. He went to visit 200 orphans along with Director Sophie McLachlan for 10 days. The experience he had at this orphanage was life changing. This is an orphanage that is gleaming with joy and love for Jesus. This is unlike any orphanage we have ever seen and is the reason why we have chosen to partner with it on our website. We believe in the future of these children that God would provide the way to make Doctors, Preachers, Attorneys, Presidents or whatever Gods plan is for their life. We have such a burden and passion for these kids and we know that despite their past God has a future for them.

(Gideon Children)
God has provided and has kept this orphanage safe from many thing through the years, but it was the people who gave into this orphanage that God used to keep it going. This orphanage has allowed their children to attend schooling as well even has seen some attend college. This orphanage knows how to share the love of Jesus and at the same time impart life necessities for the children. If there is any good soil to sow into it is this one because we know that when you sow into this orphanage it will be handled well as you enjoy watching your seed grow into something beautiful.
Donating and Sponsoring a Child
Awaken Love for Africa has provided a way for you to sponsor your very own child at the Gideons Orphanage as well as donating into Awaken Love for Africa itself. Sponsoring a child is not just supporting them financially, but even more so connecting like a family. These children wait every day in hope someone would find them and sponsor them. You could be that hope in their life, that one chance that says they can now look forward to their future. These children are no different than the children around in other nations. They have dreams, a future, and passions to pursue, but they need our help to support them and believe in them that they can do and be whatever God has called them to be. Joshua Kelly and his family have been supporting a young man now for the past couple of years and have been able to keep in contact with him and God is truly doing amazing things in his life. We would also like you to consider and giving into the ministry Awaken Love for Africa as the actual ministry location is in England and is expensive to fly back and forth to Africa. By donating into this ministry you are demonstrating love and appreciation for their service to the Lord and this orphanage.